General Assembly

-  Approve the affairs and annual activities of the Association

  • -  Approve and modify the Constitution
  • -  Conduct statutory elections
  • -  Approve the criteria for admission of members
  • -  Appoint external auditors and endorse on audited financial statements

Executive Commitee


To conduct the affairs of the Association, including but not limited to :

  •   -  Represent the Association
  •   -  Promote the objectives of the Association
  •   -  Establish and maintain the registration of members
  •   -  Carry out activities approved by the General Assembly
  •   -  Maintain the financial records of the Association

Fiscal Committee


  • -  Approve the annual budget submitted by the Treasurer
  • -  Conduct internal audit
  • -  Co-ordinate with the external auditors appointed by the General Assembly